Thursday, May 22, 2014

Is "Rah-Rah" Really Necessary?

Can I just be a quiet leader?  Can I succeed without being a luncheon-going, back-slapping, bombastic salesman?  Can I just be reserved, considerate and kind?  Can I, please?  Do I have to be Steve Jobs reincarnate?

The book Leading Quietly gives me some amount of hope.  But personal experience over 35 years in the ad business squishes that hope just as quickly.  The super-salesman with the toothy smile and quick joke seems to win more often than not.  At least from my perspective that seems to be the case.  So I've worked on developing that toothy smile.  My mouth muscles vehemently object, as does my core persona.  And, honestly, I can't remember jokes or spout instantaneous, witty comebacks.  

Vanilla?  That's me, I suppose.  But I like the taste of vanilla.  I really do.  It's mellow.  It's understated.  It's comfortable.  And from what I read, a whole lot of people like the flavor of vanilla.  Do I smell hope? 

In the meantime, I will lean heavily on the leadership mantra provided in Leading Quietly:

"Modesty.  Restraint.  Tenacity."  I can be that.  I can do that.  And, hopefully, I can win enough battles with that to survive, and maybe even thrive.  


Gail said...

I think you have a lot of witty comebacks. And I don't think you're vanilla. Even though you like vanilla.

Marilyn said...

Hi, Dave. I hadn't checked your blog for a long time (because you hadn't written on it for a long time) so I just saw this post. I can certainly identify with you on this subject since I share your position. But I have perfect confidence that you bridge the two worlds graciously and wittily and with utmost aplomb. To me you are practically perfect in every way. Good luck in the race today!!