Monday, February 8, 2010

Is That Me Following Snow White Around?

The world doesn't need another grumpy, old man.  And I apologize to anyone if I have acted that way.  First of all, I don't consider myself to be old.  (Am I dreaming?)  Secondly, although the stressful burdens of the business world, raising a male teenager, and life in today's economic environment can be trying, I prefer the thought of being pleasant to the alternative.  I'm not always successful, it's true.  That's why these two quotes from office wall are helpful reminders:

"With the fearful strain that is on me night and day, if I did not laugh I should die." 
Abraham Lincoln

"Where is it written that important assignments must be carried out with an air of grim determination." 
Andy Stefanovich (founder of a Virginia think tank called PLAY)

I must remember those thoughts.  Must, must, must.  If I don't, please slap me and tell me to go back to Snow White's cadre of dwarves.  Thank you.


Noelle said...

This picture just made my day

Laney said...

Yeah, that picture is pretty amazing. I can't believe you posted it. Awesome.

Cynthia said...

That is a gross picture :)
But Mom and Dad enjoyed it when I showed them your blog.

Marilyn said...

We just got our addy winners book in the mail. Wow - congratulations Dave and Richter7 on an amazing 47 awards!!! Fantastic job!